
20 najlepších denných výletov z Lisabonu, Portugalska

ako globálne mesto a hlavné mesto Portugalska, Lisabon je široko prepojené vzduchom, pozemkom a morom. Dopravný systém je efektívny a možnosti sú dostatok električiek, autobusov, metra, vlakov, lanoviek a trajektov – z Lisabonu je výnimočná základňa, ak plánujete cestovať nielen v meste, ale aj do iných častí krajiny.

Ak robíte Lisabona svojím skokom na ďalšie atrakcie v okolí, tu sú niektoré z miest, ktoré môžete navštíviť na jednodňovom výlete. V tomto článku zahŕňame exkurzie dostupné na Klook a odkazy na nich, len v prípade, že uvažujete o kúpe lístkov online alebo pripojíte sa k prehliadke so sprievodcom.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

1. Sintra
2. Cascais
3. Estoril
4. Cabo da Roca (Roca Cape)
5. Fatima
6. Batalha
7. Nazare
8. Obidos
9. Mafra
10. Costa da caparica
11. SETUBÁLNA oblasť
12. Polostrov Troia
13. Sesimbra
14. Cheleiros & Bucelas
15. Tomar
16. Evora
17. Palmela
18. Aveiro
19. ilhavo
20. Porto
Najlepšie rozpočtové hotely a byty v Lisbonsearch pre oveľa viac hotelov Lisabon!

Viac nápadov na YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

1. Sintra

Sintra sa nachádza západne od Lisabonu a je obľúbeným miestom sviatkov a víkendových dovolenkov medzi miestnymi obyvateľmi a denným cieľom výletov medzi turistami. Mesto sa vyznačuje svojím historickým centrom Vila de Sintra, ktoré UNESCO uznáva aj ako miesto svetového dedičstva. Môže sa pochváliť stredovekou palácmi, hradmi a vilami.

Nachádza sa na úpätí pohoria Sintra a jej krajina sa vyznačuje sviežou zeleňou. V dôsledku toho je jeho terén zdobený záhradami a prírodnými parkami. Je tiež domovom špičkových stravovacích miest a letovísk, prispieva k svojej ekonomike a robí z neho jednu z najbohatších obcí v krajine.

Populárne atrakcie: Vila de Sintra, Pena National Palace, Národný palác Sintra, Hrad Moors a prírodný park Sintra-Cascais
Ako sa dostať do Sintry: Z stanice Rossio v okrese Baixa sa vydajte na priamu vlakovú cestu do stanice Sintra. Čas cesty je asi 40 minút.

Ak sa chcete pripojiť k sprievodcovej exkurzii, ktorá zahŕňa nielen Sintra, ale aj Cascais a Estoril, môžete sa pripojiť k skupinovej exkurzii, ktorú používa Klook. Zahŕňa to vstupné lístky, prepravu a sprievodcu.

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2. Cascais

Cascais sa nachádza západne od Lisabonu a južne od Sintry, je trendové luxusné letovisko, ktoré sa týka Atlantického oceánu. Má veľa piesočnatých pláží a surfovacích miest.

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Cascais bol obľúbenou dovolenkovou destináciou bohatých a populárnych vzhľadom na to, že v 70. rokoch 20. storočia, keď sa v Portugalsku kráľovská rodina dobre založila letné bydlisko. Nakoniec to viedlo k tomu, že ďalšie vznešené rodiny stavali svoje letné domy v tejto oblasti.

Niektoré populárne osobnosti, ktoré tu žijú, boli kráľ Luis 1 z Portugalska, kráľ Edward VIII zo Spojeného kráľovstva, King Umberto II. Talianska a kráľ Juan Carlos I. zo Španielska. Okolie symbolizujú bohatstvo a zhovievavosť, čím sa okrem iného stáva miestom konania udalostí, ako sú medzinárodné tenisové turnaje, golfové podujatia, plachetnícke podujatia a preteky.

Populárne atrakcie: Nossa Senhora da Luz Fort, Citadel Palace, Nossa Senhora da Assunção, kostol Paula Rego Stories a Guincho Beach (jedna zo 17 pláží).
Ako sa dostať do Cascais: Zo stanice Cais do Sodré v Lisabone sa vydajte na priamu vlakovú cestu na stanicu Cascais. Čas cesty je asi 40 minút.

Cascais je často spojený s sintrou a estorilom v balíkoch exkurzií. Klook má tiež túto exkurziu.

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3. Estoril

Estoril sa tiež nachádza južne od Sintry a západne od Lisabonu. Estoril dokončí „svätú Trojivo“ luxusných letovísk v regióne, ak nie celá krajina. Estoril je známy svojimi bohatými zábavami a zariadeniami – strediská, reštaurácie, pláže a herné zariadenia.

Estoril sa pripojil k svojim sesterským luxusným letoviskom (Sintra a Cascais) v zozname najbohatších obcí v krajine, každoročne víta viac ako milión návštevníkov. Je tiež domovom veľkého počtu vysťahovalcov v Portugalsku.

Populárne atrakcie: Parque do Estoril a Praia de Tamariz
Ako sa dostať do Estorilu: Z CAIS do stanice Sodré v Lisabone sa vydajte na priamu vlakovú cestu na stanicu Estoril (neďaleko kasína Estoril) alebo Monte Estoril. Čas cesty je asi 40 minút.

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4. Cabo da Roca (Roca Cape)

Cabo da Roca is located west of Lisbon and southwest of Sintra within the Sintra-Cascais natural Park. Cape je vyznačená kombináciou piesočnatých pláží, neúrodných krajín a skalnatých útesov. It also supplies a fetching view of the Atlantic ocean and the rugged western coastline.

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The only manmade landmark is the Cabo da Roca Lighthouse, which houses the tourism office. You will also spot a monument that marks the westernmost point of the European continent. Admission is free.

How to get to Cabo da Roca: From Rossio station in Baixa District, take the direct train route to Sintra Station. From thestation, take the Bus 403 that will make a stop at Cabo da Roca. The total travel time is about one and a half hours.

If you want to combine this stop with a trip to Sintra, Cascais, and Estoril, you can join a group excursion used by Klook. This is best for those who will be coming from Lisbon. Zahŕňa to vstupné lístky, prepravu a sprievodcu.

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5. Fatima

Fatima is situated several kilometers in the central Region, northeast of Lisbon. The city is well-known for the apparitions of Our lady of Fatima (Mary) at Cova da Iria in 1917.

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Later on, a chapel and a statue were built at the site of the apparition. The Sanctuary of Our lady of Fátima currently houses them. This religious complex is also home to two minor basilicas and other Catholic religious buildings.

Popular Attractions: Sanctuary of Fátima, Capelinha das Aparições, Basilica of the most holy Trinity, Basilica of Our lady of the Rosary of Fatima, and the Museu de Arte Sacra e Etnologia
How to get to Fatima: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by buses departing from Sete Rios Bus station to Fatima/Cova da Iria Station, which is close to the sanctuary. The travel time is one and a half hours. If you will take the train, you have to make a stop at Caxarias station and ride a bus to Fatima from there. The travel time is about three hours for the train-bus combination route.

Fátima, Batalha, Obidos and Nazaré are normally packaged together in one itinerary.

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6. Batalha

Bathala is situated in the central region, west of Fatima and several kilometers north of Lisbon. just like Fatima, this is included in the travel plan of those who are on a pilgrimage or devotees.

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But those who are also interested in architecture marvel at the Gothic and Manueline style of the Monastery of Batalha, officially named Monastery of Saint Mary of the Victory. The Dominican monastery was built in this unassuming town by King Joao I, keeping his pledge to the Virgin Mary before his victory against the Spanish King Juan in the battle of Aljubarrota in 1385. The construction started in the 14th century and finished in the 16th century. The monastery also has the royal tombs and the burial place of famous personalities and unknown soldiers.

Popular Attractions: Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória na Batalha, Statue of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, Ponte da Boutaca, and Igreja Matriz de Exaltação de Santa Cruz
How to get to Batalha: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by buses departing from Sete Rios Bus station to Bathala. The travel time is about two hours.

Batalha, Obidos, Fatima and Nazaré are normally covered in a lot of one-day excursion itineraries.

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7. Nazare

Nazare is located on the western coast of the Oeste region, northwest of Lisbon. The municipality is known for its long sandy beaches and towering waves, making it the venue for international surfing competitions. In fact, one of the highest breaking waves was recorded in Nazare, resulting in professional surfers setting and breaking world records here.

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In September, throngs of tourists (mostly pilgrims and devotees) travel to Nazare to experience and participate in the celebration of the Feast of Our lady of Nazare.

Popular Attractions: Nazare Beach, Fort of São Miguel Arcanjo, Nazare Lighthouse, Forno de Orca Cave, Praia Nova, Miradouro do Suberco, and Museu Dr. Joaquim Manso
How to get to Nazare: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by buses departing from Sete Rios Bus station to Nazare Bus Terminal. The travel time is about two hours.

Nazare, Batalha, Obidos and Fatima are typically marketed together, part of the same travel plan due to their proximity to one another.

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8. Obidos

Obidos is situated about 80 kilometers north of Lisbon. The walled medieval town is perched on a hill features well-preserved ancient structures, narrow cobbled streets, and the 9th-century Obidos Castle, which hosts a pousada — a type of hotel installed in historic buildings.

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The castle holds a “Medieval Market” event in July for two weeks, recreating how things were during the middle Ages.

Popular Attractions: Obidos Castle, Obidos Walls, Aqueduto de Óbidos, Porta da Vila, and Ginjinha d’Obidos drink
How to get to Obidos: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by express buses (Rapida Verde) departing from Campo Grande Bus station to Obidos’ Rua da Praça bus stop. The travel time is about an hour. note that the Rapida Verde bus at Campo Grande might flash Caldas da Rainha, which is the last stop of that route.

If you seek convenient point-to-point transfers, Klook is using a day trip from Lisbon to Obidos, Fátima, Batalha, and Nazaré. This covers your roundtrip transfers, a multilingual guide, insurance, and a shot of Ginjinha.

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9. Mafra

Mafra is another municipalityon the western coast of Portugal. It is located 30 kilometers northwest of Lisbon and is part of the greater Lisbon subregion.

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This quaint town is known for its huge 18th-century palace complex, the Mafra national Palace, which is located near the Tapada Nacional de Mafra, an enclosed wildlife reserve. The substantial complex was commissioned by King Joao V after the birth of his long-awaited heir. It encompasses not only the royal residences but also a monastery, a basilica, and a huge library. The monastery consists of staterooms and also served as a hunting pavilion for the nobility during that period. The basilica is situated strategically between the King’s Tower and the Queen’s Tower. The library boasts over 36,000 ancient books and manuscripts. This is a UNESCO world Heritage Site.

The nearby coastal town of Ericeira is a popular surfing destination.

Popular Attractions: Mafra national Palace, Jardim do Cerco, Tapada Nacional de Mafra, and Aldeia Típica de José Franco
How to get to Mafra: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by express buses (Bus 209) departing from Campo Grande Bus station to Mafra (Palácio) bus stop. The travel time is about 45 minutes. note that the bus at Campo Grande might flash Ericeira, which is the last stop of that route.

If you want to pair Mafra and Obidos in one go, you can travel easily and conveniently through this small-group excursion package supplied by Klook, which includes roundtrip transfers, a professional guide, entrance fees, and sampling of cheese and other standard food. This excursion departs from Lisbon.

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10. Costa da caparica

Located on the other side of the Tagus River in the Almada district, Costa da Caparica is a coastal civil parish boasting a 30-kilometer long coastline, facing the Atlantic Ocean.

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This is a lot more popular among the local tourists, especially during summer. The long and large stretch of sandy coastline endowed the area with plenty of beaches; some are good for lounging and swimming, while others cater a lot more to extreme water sports guests like surfers and windsurfers or kitesurfers.

Some beaches lined with bars hosting night parties are swarming with partygoers. This is also a favored camping and hiking destination.

If you are curious or interested in nude beach, Costa da Caparica’s beach 19 fits this preference. There are also beach bars in the vicinity.

Popular Attractions: Costa da Caparica Town, Fonte da Telha, Lagoa de Albufeir, Paisagem Protegida da Arriba Fóssil da Costa de Caparica, Cabo Espichel, Convento dos Capuchos, and the beaches.
Note: For beachgoers who want a quieter vibe, you can travel additionally south of the Costa da Caparica coastline.
How to get to Costa da Caparica: From Lisbon, the direct route is used by TST buses (Bus 161) departing from Praca do Areeiro bus stops to Costa da Caparica Bus Station. The travel time is about an hour. note that the TST Bus 161 has no certain departure point, but rather picks up passengers from any stops near Praca do Areeiro. make sure boarding the right bus by asking first if the bus is going to make a stop at Costa da Caparica.

Klook is using a small-group day trip to beach 19 from Lisbon for LGBT travelers. This includes roundtrip transfers, beach towel rental, sun umbrella rental, bottled water, and insurance.

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11. SETUBÁLNA oblasť

The Setubal region is located additionally south of Costa da Caparica. It covers the Setubal Peninsula and a lot of of the Sado River region. The landscape is characterized by lush nature parks and fertile valleys that are conducive to vineyard cultivation.

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It is one of the country’s world-famous white wine region, boasting internationally acclaimed wines and wineries. Winemaking is a livelihood that developed thousands of years ago, and its popularity as a winemaking region catapulted in the late middle Ages.

Popular Attractions: Arrábida natural Park, Azeitão, and Vineyard and Winery Tours. two of the popular wineries are José Maria da Fo

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