SINGAPORE travel guide with sample schedule & budget plan

Last updated: may 5, 2019. requirement assist with planning your Singapore trip? Here’s our SINGAPORE travel guide with trip as well as hotel recommendations, budget plan tips, breakdown of expenses, as well as a sample SINGAPORE schedule that you can utilize to develop your own! pleased planning!

If my travel history were an Olympic tournament, Singapore would get a medal in at least two categories: the very first foreign city I have went to in my life as well as second in the listing of countries I have went to many frequently, ten times in spite of its credibility as the most costly city in the world.

Yep, expensive. Ask travelers who have set foot on Singapore for adjectives that finest explain the city, as well as “expensive” won’t be absent from any type of list. numerous of the essential attractions right here can shed a hole in the pocket. however it doesn’t imply that budget plan travel isn’t possible. There are numerous methods to decrease costs if you just understand where to go.


WHERE TO stay IN SINGAPORETop Singapore Hostels
Top Singapore budget plan Hotels
Top capsule Hotels
Search for much more Singapore Hotels

HOW TO get TO SINGAPOREManila to Singapore
Kuala Lumpur to Singapore by Plane
Kuala Lumpur or Malacca to Singapore by Bus


PLACES TO go to IN SINGAPOREUniversal Studios Singapore
Gardens by the Bay
Marina Bay Sands Skypark
Sentosa Singapore
Singapore cable television Car
Singapore River Walk
Singapore River Cruise
Chinatown Tour
Little India
iFly Singapore
Free things to perform in Singapore

DAY trips FROM SINGAPORELegoland Malaysia
Sanrio hi Kitty Town

Breakdown of Expenses
OTHER suggestions FOR THE bad TRAVELER
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhen is the very best time to go to Singapore?
Is Singapore safe?
What is the tipping customized in Singapore?
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What type of power plug/socket is utilized in Singapore?
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Singapore is an island city specify composed of the primary island, 62 islets, as well as sprawling reclaimed lands. Its tactical place makes it an essential as well as dynamic trade hub for centuries. In 1819, it ended up being a British colony up until world war II, when the Japanese occupied the island. After the war, it was handed back to Britain however was given much more self-governing power. In 1963, it merged with the Federation of Malaya to type Malaysia only to be expelled two years later, which provided birth to an independent Republic of Singapore.

Since then, Singapore has catapulted itself to ending up being a established state. in spite of the high costs as well as little land area, it has ended up being a fantastic location to live. It is one of the safest, many organized, many progressive, as well as least corrupt countries in the region as well as the world.

Singapore is likewise a worldwide transfer as well as tourism hub. It is linked to Malaysia by the Johor–Singapore Causeway. Batam in Indonesia is likewise just one hour’s ferry trip away. as well as with Changi Airport, commonly regarded as the world’s best, Singapore is linked to practically every major city around the globe.

Languages: English, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, as well as Tamil are the four official languages. Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) is the national language, however English is the lingua franca. many Singaporeans can speak as well as comprehend English as well as one more official language.

Currency: Singapore dollar (SGD, SG$). SGD 1 is approximately USD 0.74, EUR 0.66, PHP 38 (as of may 2019).

Modes of payment: Although numerous establishments accept credit rating cards, money is still extremely recommended.


Accommodations in Singapore are costly by Southeast Oriental standards, or by any type of basic for that matter. budget plan travelers have three options: backpacker hostels, BnB, as well as budget plan hotels. since area is scarce in Singapore, don’t expect spaces of generous proportions. spaces are typically just beds with bit area around it, as well as bathrooms are compact. capsule hotels are likewise starting to be popular.

Backpackers hostels are concentrated in Chinatown, bit India, Clark Quay, Bugis, as well as Geylang areas. many of them offer dorm beds as well as double rooms. budget plan hotels are mainly in Geylang, bit India, as well as Balestier.

I have personally experienced staying in several areas in Singapore: Chinatown, bit India, Geylang, Tiong Bahru, etc. While some are much more attractive than others, all of them felt safe. My Singaporean buddies told me that Geylang is the red light district. however I have stayed thAj to, rovnako ako to bolo v poriadku. Náš taxikára však, že hoci je zvyčajne bezpečné, cestujúcich, ktoré by s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou vybrali ďalšiu oblasť.

Pri výbere miesta na pobyt sa pozrite na svoje miesto na mape. Normálne, ak je blízko stanice MRT, mali by ste byť v poriadku. Mnoho atrakcií v Singapure sa dá dosiahnuť prostredníctvom MRT. Osobne si však vyberám pobyt v čínskej štvrti od jednoduchého prístupu k MRT, ako aj k lacným miestom jastrabov.

Tu sú najlepšie hodnotené nehnuteľnosti v Singapure, ktoré hodnotili používatelia Agoda.

Najlepšie singapurské hostely

Dream Lodge. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Adler Hostel. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Teória kmeňov – spoločnosť Hostel pre startupy, ako aj pre podnikateľov. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Arch Hostel. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Hipstercity Hostel. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Top Singapore rozpočetový plán hotelov

Hotel Benoolen @ Hong Kong Street. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Zbierka hotela 1888. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

30 Benoolen. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Hotel G Singapur. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Horné kapsuly hotely

Cube Shop Capsule Hotel @ Chinatown. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Chic Capsules. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

SpacePod@com. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Stretnite sa s areálom @ čínskej štvrti. Kontrola sadzieb a dostupnosti!

Vyhľadajte oveľa viac singapurských hotelov

Ako sa dostať do Singapuru

Singapurský letový terminál Changi je jedným z najuznávanejších a bežne považovaných za najlepší letový terminál na svete. Ak ste online v hlavnom meste v Ázii alebo v Európe alebo v Severnej Amerike, sú možnosti, sú k dispozícii priame lety do Singapuru.

Manila do Singapuru

Najnižšie celoročné cestovné poskytujú Scoot, Jetstar a Cebu Pacific. Avšak Philippine Airlines majú tiež konkurenčné sadzby, keď majú promo. Čas cesty: 3 hodiny 40 minút.

Ak ste držiteľom filipínskeho pasu, nevyžadujete vízum. Všetko, čo požadujete, je platný pas (pred expiráciou zostane 6 mesiacov). Stačí sa ukázať na letovom termináli a muchy.

Ak cestujete s mladými ľuďmi, ktorí nie sú vašimi deťmi, môžete požadovať cestovné odbavenie DSWD. Tu je presne návod, ako získať jeden: DSWD Travel Clearance

Kuala Lumpur do Singapuru lietadlom

Lietajúce lístky z Kuala Lumpur do Singapuru sú mimoriadne lacné, pričom základné cestovné nepresahuje 20 USD. Čas cesty: okolo 1 hodiny 15 minút.

Kuala Lumpur alebo Malacca do Singapuru autobusom

Rovnako sa môžete dostať do Singapuru z KL alebo Malacca (Melaka) autobusom. Čas cesty z KL je 5-7 hodín v závislosti od premávky. Z Malacca iba 4-5 hodín. Prejdete cez hranicu cez hranicu, je to však na začiatku dosť jednoduché, aj keď mätúce. Len sa uistite nasledujúce:

Nezabudnite na svoje podrobnosti o autobuse (ako to vyzerá, číslo atď.), Pretože budete musieť vystúpiť a naskočiť späť na hranicu.

Keď prekročíte hranicu, prineste si so sebou tašky.

Nepamätáte si svoj pas, ako aj kartu odchodu z Malajzie.

You can book your bus here: Kuala Lumpur-Singapore, Malacca-Singapore

Asian Public Transportation

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