Yuntaishan: 4 picturesque areas at Yuntai Mountain, China (Our Overnight Itinerary)

The very first two times I heard of Yuntai mountain was (1) when they opened a recently built glass bridge as well as (2) when they found cracks on the glass panels just weeks later. Not a extremely great very first impression, to be honest. If the mountain were a man in a bar, he would requirement a much better come-on since every rate of interest I had just died ideal then.

Glass walkways no longer had the impact it when had on me. I had experienced one before, likewise in one more picturesque park in the Chinese highlands, as well as it was amazing. however it wasn’t new anymore. I had seen only two mountains in China, however young boy are they unforgettable. These two peaks, Tianmen as well as Tianzi in Zhangjiajie, are the most spectacular mountains I had ever had the enjoyment of leaving footprints on. With the bar set that high as well as the glass pathway losing its appeal, I pertained to Yuntai mountain in Henan province without any type of expectations, lest the proverbial shoes not be filled adequately. Still, the excellent Yuntaishan blew me away.

Situated just an hour as well as a half away from Zhengzhou Airport, Yuntai mountain is progressively ending up being much more prominent particularly among domestic tourists. Yuntaishan Geopark, as it is formally called, is a UNESCO-inscribed world Geologic Park as well as Henan Province’s only national picturesque area as well as national forest park. This 190-sq. km site has eleven picturesque areas, however we only got to experience three of them. With or without the glass bridge it is oh so pleased of, Yuntaishan has sufficient to draw in even the most discriminate tourists. He is naturally sexy. His edges are masterfully chiseled, his sides artfully tattooed with valleys, skin naturally carpeted with thick canopies, as well as his gaze promises wonderful waterfalls under his belt.

Here are four locations that make a date with Yuntai mountain one that you will never fail to remember (and what you can do to not spoil it).

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

1. Red stone Gorge (Hongshi Gorge) – Day 1
2. Tanpu Gorge (Xiaozhai Valley) – Day 1
3. Cornel top (Day 2)
4. Glass Skywalk (Day 2)

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1. Red stone Gorge (Hongshi Gorge) – Day 1

Our day began at the entrance to the Red stone Gorge, a deep valley where you might walk in between cliffs standing so close to every other, developed 1.4 billion years back after a fierce motion of the earth’s crust. Ironically, in spite of its turbulent past, it is a relaxing, tranquil sight to behold.

The cliffs are not even the very best part. The gorge is punctuated by lots of sensational waterfalls as well as natural pools, each of them Instagram-worthy. These natural wonders make the Red stone Gorge the most picturesque of all the locations we’ve checked out in Henan Province.

Yuntai Mountain
Another waterfall at Red stone Gorge
Yuntai Mountain
That building atop the cliff is the end of the trail.
The 2-km path starts on top of a cliff as well as then drops 50 meters to the stream that runs below. It is so scenic, you’ll fail to remember that when you’re down, you’re gonna have to climb back as much as the roadside once again at the end of it. I didn’t recognize it, so I was rather overwhelmed by the long flights of stairs that greeted me. I was virtually vomiting air by the time I completed the trail. Fortunately, I had a bottle of water with me as well as that there’s an ice cream store around the corner.

2. Tanpu Gorge (Xiaozhai Valley) – Day 1

Surrounded by towering cliffs, a bridge marks the begin of a path that complies with the river as well as leads visitors upstream. Along the method are a number of little however picturesque waterfalls including the Lover’s Waterfall, a three-tiered cascade; as well as the Y-shaped waterfall. It’s a much gentler hike as well as takes 1-1.5 hours. There are likewise a number of pools where visitors may select to soak their feet after an hour of tiring trek. At the end of the 2-km path is the Butterfly Wall.

Tanpu Gorge

Bamboo rafting is likewise a prominent activity among tourists.
We did this excursion on the exact same day we checked out the Red stone Gorge, so it’s possible to capture both areas in one however it can get truly tiring. If you want to do both in one day, I suggest doing the the Tanpu Gorge first. Red stone is much much much much more spectacular that if you go to it before Tanpu, you will be underwhelmed by the latter.

3. Cornel top (Day 2)

Cornel Peak
When you reach the entrance to this part of the mountain, you’ll have two

The greatest point of Yuntaishan, Cornel top is stands at 1,308 meters (4,291 feet) above sea level. countless steps cause the top, which uses breathtaking 360-degree views of the area including the Taihang mountain in the north as well as the Yellow River which meanders across thE Land.

4. Glass Skywalk (2. deň)

Ale z programu stále musíme zažiť chôdzu na skle 1000 metrov nad morom! Veril som, že sa v tom už nebudem tešiť, pretože som už zažil ten v Zhangjiajie, avšak vzrušenie tam stále bolo. V skutočnosti sa cítilo oveľa zaujímavejšie (a desivejšie) za predpokladu, že jeden z jeho sklenených panelov (hlásil sa, že je 25 -krát silnejší ako typické sklo) praskla práve minulý rok. Toto bolo samozrejme opravené.

Aby sme sa tam dostali, museli sme ísť na krátky, jednoduchý výlet a zastaviť sa pri bielej jade oplotenej pagode s výhľadom na oblasť. Horná časť konštrukcie umožňuje skvelý výhľad na vrchol Cornel na jednej strane, ako aj na horskú sklenenú dráhu Phoenix na druhej strane.

Pohľad z pagody
Pohľad z pagody
Sklenená cesta Yuntaishan
Yuntaishanov sklenený chodník
Z pagody sme išli dolu k vchodu do cesty v tvare U, kde sme boli potrební na obuv na kryty topánok (aby sme zaistili podlahu od škrabancov). Aj keď sme boli na začiatku jediní na mieste, trvalo to len pár minút, kým sa ostatní turisti ukázali, ako aj zaplavili stránku.

Na opačnom útese je jednou z ďalších ciest, ktorá nebola otvorená v čase našej návštevy.

Presne ako sa dostať na Yuntai Mountain, Čína: Tigerir teraz letí priamo zo Singapuru do Zhengzhou (T-Su), kde si môžete vziať autobus alebo Yuntaishan! Ak si chcete rezervovať lety do Zhengzhou, prejdite na

Osobitné poďakovanie TigerAir za to, že tento výlet umožnil!

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6 Úžasné atrakcie v Tianmen Mountain, ZhangjiaJie, Čína

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