
Sunsets & Side Trips: Making the most Of Santorini

all of the romantic visions that you have of Santorini are true. Cycladic style houses, castles and churches cling to a rocky Greek island volcano caldera, their whitewashed facades and powder-blue roofs using a lovely contrast to the azure sky and the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, some 300 meters below.

Santorini is everything you would hope for and more. In buy to make the most of your trip there, whether you’re in Santorini for a honeymoon, or just to travel, it’s best to know a few of the top things to see and do, and how to get there.


We recommend renting a automobile or a motorbike for the duration of your stay. We had a moped and it was good for two people, but if you have a family or a group of friends, it’s probably better to rent a car. check out Enterprise as they currently have 10% off rentals in Greece.

The island of Santorini isn’t substantial and there are some good local buses and taxis, but to really see the island and get a feel for its lots of hidden corners, a automobile or motorcycle will give you the freedom you need to explore at your vlastné tempo. If you are taking local buses and taxis, it’s best to ask your hotel or guest house where to find them and how much they must cost. Taxis are normally charged at a fixed rate on Santorini, but unsuspecting tourists are often overcharged.

Once you’ve figured out how you’re going to get around the island, it’s time for the fun part… planning what to see! We spent 10 days here and it simply wasn’t enough time. There are so lots of sights and experiences to take pleasure in on Santorini, but it’s the things that happen in-between your plans that make it special. When you’re heading to a church that you’ve placed on your travel plan and you pass by a sign that says “free white wine tastings”, don’t miss it! If a local invites you over for Ouzo, you must go.

Always leave some room in your schedule for spontaneity because without it, you’ll be missing out on part of what makes Santorini so special.


Santorini is said to have some of the nicest sunsets in the world, so it’s no surprise that one of the quintessential Santorinian experiences is enjoying sunset from a cliff-side high above the Mediterranean. here are a few terrific places to enjoy the sun slip into the sea (don’t forget to bring a bottle of wine):

The Akrotiri Lighthouse: As the sun reddens and dips low in the afternoon sky, this lighthouse, known locally as “Faros”, is a sensational place to experience the popular Santorini sky spectacle. The warming light of the setting sun brings new colour to this white tower and after night falls, the rotating light romantically brightens the night sky as it spins.

Hillside Behind Oia: This was our much-loved sunset spot in Santorini and we headed here night after night. It’s just off of a dirt road north of Oia. If you’re driving around the area near sunset time, locals will know where to point you. You’ll have to bring your own blanket and just set up in the field, but the views here are breathtaking.

A Sunset In Santorini
Donkey stairs of Naoussa: When the time pertains to enjoy sunset, hordes of tourists flock to Oia’s cliffs like flies to a light, but if you’d like to be away from the crowds and actually have a place to sit, consider the donkey stairs that cause the old port of Naoussa. usually during the day, this path is used for touristy donkey rides up and down the hillside, but during sunset they offer a terrific vantage point for those “in the know”. here you can enjoy the sun paint Oia’s whitewashed buildings a golden color before disappearing underneath the horizon.

Side Trips

Of course you’ll have your own travel plan with a few of the main sights that you really want to see while you’re in Santorini, but consider these few side trips that not many people know about. try to add one or two of these into your Greek holiday and you may just find that they become the highlight of your visit.

Gavalas Vineyard: We actually just stumbled upon this place when we were driving by on our way to Oia from Perissa Beach, but we’re very pleased we did. We sat down and took pleasure in some delicious tapas and a few complimentary tastings of their best wines. The romantic setting was made even better by exceptional service and delicious reds and whites.

Perissa Beach: This little piece of black-sand paradise somehow keeps its name off of a lot of of Santorini’s “best beaches” lists, but it absolutely should have a visit. We stayed in one of the best value apartments we’ve ever had, just a few minutes walk from this beach. It was called Sandy Villas, and there are automobile rental shops, motorcycle rental shops, bars and restaurants all pozdĺž pláže. Toto je jedna z našich obľúbených oblastí v Santorini.

Sandy Villas Santorini, Grécko
Volcano Tour: Santorini je domovom jednej z najväčších sopečných erupcií v zaznamenanej histórii, takže keď ste tu, musíte si absolútne pozrieť časť špeciálnej topografie vytvorenej týmto geologickým fenoménom. Bude to trochu turistické, ale bolo by škoda vynechať. Exkurzie normálne odchádzajú zo starého prístavu Fira okolo dvanástich poludnie a choďte do Nea Kameni, kde sa skutočne dostanete na prechádzky okolo aktívnych sopiek! Vôňa síry a horúcej skaly vyplňuje vzduch, keď priečne úzku cestu pozdĺž okraja sopky. Celá exkurzia trvá asi 2 hodiny.

Cesta chodidla do OIA: Z Fira sa môžete vydať na túto úžasne malebnú cestu do OIA a potom si vziať autobus alebo taxík späť do svojho hotela. Je to celkom bežná prechádzka, takže miestni obyvatelia a váš hotel vás môžu nasmerovať ideálnym smerom, ale je to úžasný spôsob, ako získať nejaké cvičenie a zároveň zažiť očarujúcu architektúru a prírodnú príťažlivosť OIA. Celá prechádzka trvá asi tri hodiny a meandruje sa do kopca, kde sa môžete tešiť z nádherného výhľadu.

Užite si Santorini!

Je to skutočne jeden z najviac architektonicky a geograficky požehnaných ostrovov, aké sme kedy videli, a stojí za to dať aspoň týždeň na preskúmanie. Poskytli sme iba niekoľko vecí, ktoré treba vidieť v Santorini, takže sa uistite, že požiadate miestnych obyvateľov o najlepšie tajné miesta, ktoré na ostrove uvidia. Odvolanie Santorini nie je žiadnym tajomstvom, ale ak si prenajímate automobil a preskúmajte ho nezávisle, pravdepodobne nájdete skrytý roh tohto raja len pre seba. Ak plánujete čoskoro cestovať do Grécka, nezabudnite sa pozrieť na nášho sprievodcu Grécko.

Boli ste už v Santorini? Čo by ste pridali do tohto zoznamu?

Páči sa mi to? Pripnúť! „

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