HOW TO overcome YOUR travel fears

Last Updated: 10/2/20 | October 2nd, 2020

Fear. It keeps us from living our lives as well as achieving our dreams.

And it is one of the most typical reasons why people don’t travel.

Whenever I talk to people about long-lasting travel, so many tell me they desire they might do what I do. They tell me all their travel dreams as well as grand plans then when asked why they don’t go after them, they come up with a plethora of fears:

They fear not being able to pay for the trip.

They fear they have as well many obligations at home.

They fear they won’t be able to make good friends on the road.

They fear not having the capability to handle it.

They fear something will occur to them.

With all that fear, it’s much easier to stay at house in our comfort zones than to break out as well as travel.

It’s a huge thing to step out your door, away from your security net, as well as into the unknown.

The devil you understand is always much better than the devil you don’t.

Yes, travel is a privilege as well as there are genuine money problems that keep people at home.

But one of the most typical emails I get is from people asking about “the mental issues” of travel. The mindset stuff.

Do they stop their task as well as go for it?

Are they in the right stage of life?

Will whatever be okay if they leave?

Will they get a task when they return?

These emails are peppered with anxious enjoyment over travel’s endless possibilities, however there is likewise always one underlying tone to the emails:

“Matt, I want to go, however I’m likewise afraid as well as I’m not sure what to do.”

I believe fear of the unknown is truly what holds people back the majority of people back. When you get rid of your fears as well as choose “Yes, I’m going to do this!”, you begin to discover methods to scrape, save, discover work, as well as do whatever it is that gets you on the road.

You ended up being a person on a mission. You ended up being driven. nothing will get in your way.

But first, you requirement to get over any type of fear you may have. I was on a podcast just recently discussing this subject as well as so it has come to the forefront of my mind again. right here is my advice on dealing with fear:

1. You aren’t the very first person to travel abroad.
One of the things that comforted me when I began traveling was understanding that great deals of other people traveled the world before me as well as ended up just fine. If some 18-year-old from England on a space year came house in one piece, there was no reason I wouldn’t too. You aren’t the very first person to leave house as well as check out the jungles of Asia. Columbus as well as Magellan had a reason to be afraid. You don’t.

There is a well-worn tourist path out there. There are people to assist you. There are people to travel with. You aren’t going to be alone.

And you aren’t venturing into the true unknown.

2. You made it this far.
If you already have one foot out the door, why turn back now? What will you regret later in life: that you let your fears keep you home, or that you went traveling? sometimes you just have to go for it. whatever works out in the end. Don’t turn back halfway. Dokážeš to!

3. You are just as capable as everybody else.
I’m smart, I’m capable, as well as I have typical sense. If other people can travel the world, why can’t I? What makes me believe I lack the skills? I realized that there was no reason I couldn’t do what these other people did. I was just as great as everybody else.

Don’t question yourself. You got by in your life just fine now. The exact same will be true when you travel.

Moreover, now has never been an easier time to travel thanks to all the resources offered on the internet as well as all the sharing economic climate websites that assist link you with other travelers.

4. obligations can vanish in a flash.
Everyone utilizes “responsibility” as the primary reason to avoid travel. But that is just your fear telling you that you have things at house that can’t be let go of. However, those obligations are just chains that hold you down.

When I stop my job, I didn’t have to work anymore.

When I canceled my bills, they disappeared.

When I offered my car, the payments were gone.

When I offered my stuff, I didn’t have any.

We believe this is all extremely complicated, however with a few phone calls, whatever that held me back was gone, taken care of. Suddenly, my obligations disappeared. Vaporized. It is easier to cut the cord than you think.

5. You will discover a task when you get home.
Another reason people get held back is the belief that when they go overseas, they will ended up being unemployable. They concern that employers will see a space in their résumé as well as not want to hire them.

But in this globalized world, having experience with foreign cultures as well as people is a genuine asset. So is showing that you are independent, courageous, as well as capable.

After all, nobody makes it around the world without discovering these skills. Employers recognize this as well as now look at travel as a positive thing that teaches intangible personal skills no business institution ever might (especially if you work or volunteer overseas too).

6. You will make friends.
People always ask me exactly how I make good friends on the road. They tell me that they’re not extremely social as well as that it’s difficult for them to satisfy strangers. The reality is that when you travel, you are never alone. There are many solo travelers available in the exact same boat as you. You’ll discover people who will come up as well as talk to you, even if you are as well scared to go as much as them.

I utilized to be anxious speaking to strangers, however the fear subsides as you ultimately recognize that everybody wishes to make new friends. as well as one of those good friends is you.

Here are some articles on making good friends as well as socializing to assist you feel more comfortable before you head out:

Finding Life-Long Friendships

How to overcome Being Alone

How to utilize Your social media network to Travel

Meeting people on the Road

7. You can always come back.
If you make it three months into your trip as well as choose that long-lasting travel isn’t for you, it’s completely okay to go home. There’s no pity in cutting your trip short. perhaps traveling isn’t for you, however you would never have understood if you didn’t try.

There’s no such thing as failure in the world of travel.

Travel teaches us many things including, that sometimes, we don’t like to travel. getting up as well as going is more than most people do, as well as if it isn’t for you, at least you tried. That in itself is a major accomplishment.

Fear is an aspect that impacts whatever we do. Yes, fear is a healthy biological response designed to make sure we don’t do foolish things. But, in many ways, fear is the reason why we never succeed. It’s frightening leaving whatever you understand as well as heading off into the unknown.

However, when you look at why you are afraid of doing it, you’ll recognize there’s no reason to be. You can travel. You are capable. It’s not as difficult as you think.

Don’t let fear win.

How to travel the world on $50 a Day

My new York Times very popular paperback guide to world travel will teach you exactly how to master the art of travel to ensure that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, as well as have a deeper travel experience. It’s your A to Z planning guide that the BBC called the “bible for budget plan travelers.”

Click right here to discover more as well as begin reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical tips as well as Tricks
Book Your Flight
Find a affordable flight by utilizing Skyscanner. It’s my preferred browse engine since it searches websites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses as well as hotels.

Don’t fail to remember travel Insurance
Travel insurance coverage will protect you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s comprehensive security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it many times in the past. My preferred business that offer the very best service as well as value are:

SafetyWing (best for everyone)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

Medjet (for extra evacuation coverage)

Ready to book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the very best business to utilize when you travel. I listing all the ones I utilize when I travel. They are the very best in class as well as you can’t go wrong utilizing them on your trip.

Note: This article was originally published in 2011 however redone as well as updated with new tips as well as links in 2020.

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